Friday, May 7, 2021

Lift your wings of Prayer and Praise

Today you may be experiencing hellfire and it looks like there's no way out of this. Probably

you just feel like curling up on your bed in fear and sinking your head into the pillow not knowing

what to do. Praising God is a game-changer, It can move mountains, break the walls of Jericho 

sooner than you think. You might think "I'm experiencing the worst day of my life, feeling so 

bitter and heavy" how can I Praise God at this moment? Fear is just gripping me and making 

me feel so weak, I'm sapped out of all my strength! Moses was finding it so hard to kneel

and keep praising God, it would have hurt him really bad. And Aaron had to support him to lift 

his hand and Praise God. When you're kneeling and lifting your hands to praise God.

You're fighting a battle in the spiritual realm. And every time Moses put his hands down the 

Israelites were losing the battle. And finally, the battle was won because of Praising God!

I can assure you that a moment of Praising can work signs and wonders than just sinking in fear

crying and murmuring. We might think, I'm just tired of all the battles! they keep surrounding me

one or the other, Not a moment of rest. But Praising God can turn everything around for your 


You may be walking in perilous valleys or surrounded by adversity all around. But,  Praising God 

will fill you with tremendous mighty power and change your life and deliver you from all your


We also read In the Bible that Paul and Silas were  Praising God when they were chained in prison 

and they were delivered, perhaps today you are in a bound state and your situation looks like there's 

no way out, But God will make a way when there seems to be no way when you start praising him. 

Even when you feel lonely, even when you feel afraid, even when you are at your weakest, even

when you feel there's no hope, even when you are faced with financial difficulties, Even when the 

adversaries surrounding you have spoken venomous words against you,  Even when you 

think, Is Praising God going to help me in any way at all? Still Praise God and experience his 

saving power!! 

Blessings come down when the praises go up, every closed-door or lost opportunity,

praise can break open  the gates of iron and brass and give you your miracle. If you’re totally broke

and depressed crying your

heart out is not the solution, Praising is the only way you can obtain a great deliverance.

Praising God will destroy and uproot all the works of the enemy, No matter what obstacle the evil 

one has set up against you and is keeping you out of the choicest blessings that God has kept in 

store for you, You can destroy the works of the evil one by shouting the praises of God!!

God will fight all your battles and grant you victory as you praise him! Praise restores everything that

the enemy has taken from you, A life of praise also brings abundant prosperity. Sing praises to God 

with all of your body, soul and spirit. Darkness, sickness, pain, poverty everything will flee as you

praise God. 

Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that orders his conversation aright will I shew the 

salvation of God. Psalm 50:23

God will arise and mete out justice and fight on the behalf of those who seek him. His presence will

surround you as you praise and glorify him. He is a God who dwells among praises. When his 

presence fills your heart all your problems will flee away. Sing songs of praise and exalt his name on 

high with all your heart. As you keep praising God all the darkness weighing you down will 

flee and an indescribable joy will fill your heart.

If you want to turn your life around and walk in victory Praise, Praise, and only Praise!!!

A Beautiful song written by Don Moen,

Lord, You seem so far away
A million miles or more,
It feels today
And though I haven't lost my faith
I must confess right now
That it's hard for me to pray
But I don't know what to say
And I don't know where to start
But as You give the grace
With all that's in my heart
I will sing,
I will praise,
Even in my darkest hour
Through the sorrow and the pain
I will sing,
I will praise,
Lift my hands to honor You
Because Your word is true,
I will sing
Lord it's hard for me to see
All the thoughts and plans
You have for me
Yes it is
But I will put my trust in You
Knowing that you died
To set me free
Oh thank God You did
But I don't know what to say
And I don't know where to start
But as you give the grace
With all that's in my heart
I will sing,
I will praise,
Even in my darkest
Source: Musixmatch




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