Tuesday, May 11, 2021

God who Protects us like an Eagle


Let me take you through the interesting story of the Eagle. Eagles usually build their nests in lofty

places. She builds the nest on the cliff of rock. She builds it with sticks and twigs and upon it, she

layers it with prickly thorns and then overlays the thorns with soft materials for the eggs to rest on. 

As soon as the eaglets hatch mama eagle provides them food and nourishes them from time to time. 

But she only does so until the tiny wings grow but they're still not strong and big enough for flying.

But when they get to a point where they are strong enough for flying she removes all the cushiony

soft material that they're resting on and now the eaglets would be pricked by the thorns and she less

frequently visits them with food. But she keeps observing them from a far distance.

The Eaglets go through a very hard time and they have to decide between remaining to stay in the

nest or jump off the cliff and fall deep down into the valley. But the pricks from the thorns are a real

torment, making it uncomfortable for them to stay in the nest.

Probably they think, Why has Mama Eagle abandoned me? I'm dying of hunger pangs, Where are

you, Mama? They would feel it’s better to die once and for all by falling down than experiencing the

horrible pricks of these thorns. But Mama Eagle only does so because the Eaglets would get used to

the coziness of the nest and wouldn't learn how to soar high up in the sky.

Just as they jump off the cliff and are about to crash deep down into the valley, Mama eagle swoops

down and carries them all on her wings.

Sometimes we may wonder, Has God forgotten me? Has the Lord forsaken me? But God is trying to

teach us something through the trials that we go through. Beyond the obvious and the unseen he has a

beautiful plan for us, His plans for us that we should prosper and grow in life with him and not perish.

We discover our unrealized potential only when we go through trials and difficulties.

Let's Praise and thank God not only for the Blessings but also for the Burdens that we go through

because we will come out stronger than ever before by his grace and mercy!!

A beautiful song written by Don Moen,

O my soul, do you not know?

Have you not heard?
It's been told from the beginning
The Lord your God is on your side
O my soul, don't be afraid
Hope in the Lord
By His righteousness and power
He will strengthen, He will guide
And I will soar on wings like eagles
Held by the hand of God
I will run and not grow tired
When on His name I call
For the Lord is never weary
His ways are beyond my thoughts
I will trust in Him
With all my heart
O my soul, do you not know?
Have you not heard?
It's been told from the beginning
The Lord your God is on your side
O my soul, don't be afraid
Hope in the Lord
By His righteousness and power
He will strengthen, He will guide
And I will soar on wings like eagles
Held by the hand of God
I will run and not grow tired
When on His name I call
Source: Musixmatch



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